Be sure to upload your current academic transcript to the tenant portal!
The Straußi 3 is administered by the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart, the responsible person is Amelie Hochmuth. You can contact her if you want to extend your contract or something similar.
Important info:
Emergency number of the Studierendenwerk for technical faults: +49711 955918-950
Application and "Laufrunde"
Looking for a room in Straußi 3? Good decision!
If you want to move into Straußi 3 permanently (until your residency period of three years is over), then apply here at Studierendenwerk.
Straußi 3 is one of the few dorms to offer a Laufrunde. Once you are sure you have a place with us, you will receive an email inviting you to join our Laufrunde. During the Laufrunde, both the WGs where a room is newly occupied and the people who are newly moving in have the opportunity to get to know each other a bit. So you walk from WG to WG - hence the name "Laufrunde". At the end of the Laufrunde, both the WGs and you can hand in a piece of paper with a ranking. The WoRe evaluates the results to make sure that each WG gets suitable new residents.
If you are only looking for a temporary room, please visit our subletting page here or send an email to our tutors,